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Welcome to TCGOB's NASCAR Humor Pages!
(SCC) notation denotes work originally published on Mike Calinof's Stock Car City.
I've gained a new respect for all those guys behind the scenes of NASCAR since I myself started trying to do a little bit of what they do…. Namely, understand cars.
Gawd, I love Bristol! (SCC)
I can just imagine myself barreling through the turns in a finely tuned racing machine, the sound of the yowling engine and barking tires transporting me into fits of epiphany. While the world blurs by in wash of speed, I also take in the smells of burning rubber, high octane fuel and the acrid smell of my instructor dampening his fire retardant suit... (SCC)
If you've ever seriously considered letting your kids watch a NASCAR race with you, read this article first. (SCC)
First time winner. Post race skirmish on pit road. Lots of mangled sheet metal. Flaring tempers. Buckshot Jones wrecking. (SCC)
Warning: Must have Senseofhumor version 3.2 installed to read this article. (SCC)
A little ditty about a typo from hell. (SCC)
More lessons on talkin' NASCAR like a pro. (SCC)
NASCAR toys bring out the kid in all of us. (SCC)
Remembrances of summer at Talladega. (SCC)
How NASCAR is helping race car drivers not to fall down and go boom.
The Looney Tunes race report from Richmond. Originally appeared on Stock Car City. (SCC)
Mystified by the jargon on race day? Click here to bone up. (SCC)
Fan responses to "Know Thy NASCAR Lingo" (SCC)
Just a few of my silly ideas to improve NASCAR's entertainment value. (SCC)
Just how bad was NBC's coverage of the Pepsi 400? Here's my take.....
Bristol, Spring 2001. We have a first time winner and an all-out racin' feud.
So.... Mark Martin has a new sponsor. How interesting.......
2002 Car Guy of Benchfield
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